Category Archives: Chapter 3 – Harvesting the Earth

Metal Detecting Detective

You have probably seen the commercials. A young man holding a metal detector tells you about all the fun he has had using it. He tells you that he is going to pay for his college education by selling all of the things he has found. You are then invited to call an 800 number or visit a website to purchase this device. It is your way out of economic despair.

It may not be quite that simple. But metal detecting is not just a relaxing way to pass the time, it also an opportunity to make some money on the side. You may not make enough to retire or pay for college, unless you are very lucky, but you may make more than a few extra bucks finding old coins or even gold and silver.

You need to first invest a few dollars in a decent metal detector. Search around online and find one that is decently priced, but still good. Or visit your local hobby shop. After your initial investment, you should not have to spend much more money on this job. You should only need to spend your time. If you enjoy long walks, this will hardly be a waste.

If you happen to have a lot of property or access to the property of a friend or family member who will let you search there, then you will want to start there.

Make sure that you check all local and state laws regarding metal detecting in public parks. Look up the laws and make sure that you follow them. There is one company that makes a weak metal detector that doubles as a flip-flop. I suppose if you used that or if someone made metal detecting shoes, you could possibly get away with metal detecting in areas you are not supposed to detect in. But that could also result in you going to jail and paying big fines.

Laws regarding metal detecting on many beaches are often more relaxed, but you want to check first.

Another option is to ask local landowners if you can metal detect on their property. Many are open to having hunters on their property. Those people might be just as open to metal detectors too. Offer to share a percentage of anything you find, if the owner asks.

Worst case scenario, assuming you don’t get arrested for violating some law, you will get some exercise and lower your blood pressure. Best case scenario, you end up like that guy in Australia and discover a big gold nugget. You are likely to fall somewhere in between those two extremes.