Category Archives: Chapter 4 – The Arts and Humanities


I bought a guitar once along with a DVD guide on how to play it. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I have little musical ability and that it wasn’t worth my time to continue with it. That is a shame. I like music and envy those who can play well. It looks like lots of fun.

Maybe you aren’t like me. Maybe you can play and play well. Or at least learn how to play or play better. If so, then you don’t need much advice from me. That is why this section will be fairly short.

So I can’t help you with learning how to play or playing better, but there is still plenty of money to be made in the music world, even if you can’t get a big contract.

Think about becoming a street side performer. In my city, Annapolis, we have people who are constantly out on Main Street during the weekends. Drunk people feel compelled to part with their money and are often seen leaving tips. Of course, prime the pump, first. No one wants to feel like he is the first guy giving money. The problem with this is you have to figure out what the local laws, if any, are and how are they enforced, if at all. Watch and see what is going on in your town and ask some of the performers. Talk to a local coffee shop or bar about providing free music as well, either inside or just outside their establishment. If they give you a chance and if you are good, it will be good for both you and them. What is great about this is that it is cash only and you can set your own hours.

Consider song-writing. This way you don’t have to pay royalties and maybe other people might have to pay you. I love songs his historical people or events. Some guy wrote a pretty good song and posted it on Youtube about Joshua Slocum, the first man to sail alone around the world. Sometimes after having a few drinks, I love finding this video and listening to it. I hope the guy has made some money off of ads. I also hope that he or someone else puts out more songs out there about Joshua Slocum.

If people like your music on Youtube, there is a better chance that they will download it onto their MP3 devices. You should include a link to your Itunes and Google Music page on all your Youtube videos to encourage sales.

You can probably figure out a million and one other ways to make money with music or other artistic or academic talents. Spend some time thinking what are you good at and what do you like to do. Put those things together and there is real potential to do something personally and financially rewarding.