
It is a very rare person who couldn’t use a few extra bucks. As much money as we may make, we always need or want more. Even if you are comfortable, it is wise to put money aside or to invest it, in case it is needed on that proverbial rainy day.

But how to go about getting that money? Working harder, if your job allows overtime or rewards you for performance, is an option. But for many people, that is not the case. Your job may not allow overtime. You might not get extra commissions. You might just hate your job and want to do something else. Stealing, is also an option, but a terrible one. Aside from the obvious immorality of it, theft tends to be more trouble than it could possibly be worth. People often get caught and end up losing money, time, freedom, and reputation in the process. But working for yourself. Working smarter and with more creativity. Well, that is the answer. You can eat what you kill and have fun in the process.

Working for yourself isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would be doing it. But it isn’t impossible either. Your success, in large part, will depend on the amount of time and energy that you put in.

This online book is full of practical advice on how to make money on the side. It gives you ideas, spells out the advantages and disadvantages, and gives you advice on how to get started. This is not a laundry-list of 1001 different ideas, most of them bad, on how to get rich quick. This book is for the serious minded person who wants to increase his or her income.

This book is divided up into different chapters, each full of related or somewhat related ideas, on how to make money. This is not a comprehensive list. What could be? Even if a particular idea isn’t completely of your liking, it may inspire you to think of something else. Be creative. Don’t give up.

Some of the ideas mentioned in this book are of a somewhat questionable nature. The legal and moral implications are discussed. You are strongly advised against doing anything immoral and also advised not to do anything illegal. You have the sole responsibility of following all the laws where you live and also of following your conscience. Bad ideas are generally discussed for the purpose of trying to show you why they are bad and/or for comedic effect. Any questionable advice should be assumed to be for that purpose. Most of the ideas in this book can be implemented in a way that is completely legal and in line with basic moral principles.

Thoughts are also offered at the end regarding what to do with any money that you made. Nothing should be construed as advice to avoid any obligation you may have to pay taxes. Always seek tax, legal, or financial advice from a professional. This book is not offering legal, investment, or tax advice.